The illustration project collaboration between illustrator and product designer by Say Hi To_.
At first glance, when I saw their various works, there was something that related to what I am doing. It might be the combination of the lines and geometric forms. It seems as though it is just a simple thing but the difficulty is in how you could combine these things together and make them look new. Also, there is some sense of Memphis period like Shiro Kuramata’s work.
Hi FOLK!!! A long time without any update! Was a really busy time! So in this page you could find too many new project from Facebook to Working Not Working. From LLC in singapore to Hilti in Swizzerland, from Il sole 24 ore to Es magazine in london etc.. etc... This crazy page it's divided in two. In this first part a lot of oneline drawing in the second part more experiment about how to tell a story :) Really hope you like it! In the same time you could follow me on the only social that i have.MY Instagram thanks for your time and share the love all over this sad world!
REALLY IMPORTANT!!! In april i will be in Dusseldorf at NINA SAGT GALLERY for my personal show :) After i will be in ROMANIA for Visual playground festival, after Dubai for INGCREATIVES and hope to see you in may in Australia for the amazing ANALOGUE DIGITAL CONFERENCE! ciaooooooooo