자유로운 선이 귀여운 드로잉 일러스트 작업물 모음 #DRAWINGS

"His simple monochrome drawings manages to convey a rich narrative in black, white and charm."
- It's Nice That



매력적인 오일파스텔, 아크릴 유화 드로잉 & 그래픽 디자이너 출신 일러스트레이터의 드로잉

내가 정말 애정하는 쨍한 색감, 확실한 대비 항상 아크릴, 특히 유화, 나도 언젠가 그린다면 이런 화풍이지 않을까. Buildings - LORI MEHTA ART 오일파스텔, 아크릴 유화 느낌. 일러스트레이션 드로잉



따듯한 색감 색연필 드로잉 Drawing 그림책 삽화 모음

화려한 색감은 역시 유화, 흐드러지는 수채화 작품 모음 매일 먹은 것을 글과 그림으로 기록하는 과장 삼시세끼 어렸을 때부터 무리하지 않고 '인생은 조심조심'을 신조로 살았다. 원래 젊었을



캐릭터 디자인 일러스트 프로젝트 드로잉 모음 character design project

따듯한 색감 색연필 드로잉 Drawing 그림책 삽화 모음 화려한 색감은 역시 유화, 흐드러지는 수채화 작품 모음 매일 먹은 것을 글과 그림으로 기록하는 과장 삼시세끼 어렸을 때부터 무리하지 않



화려한 색감은 역시 유화, 흐드러지는 수채화 작품 모음

매일 먹은 것을 글과 그림으로 기록하는 과장 삼시세끼 어렸을 때부터 무리하지 않고 '인생은 조심조심'을 신조로 살았다. 원래 젊었을 때는 글쓰는 사람이 되고 싶었다. 되고 싶었을 뿐, 되기



일러스트레이션 드로잉 시리즈 모음 - 산책 낙서, 자유롭게 종이 위로 걸어가자

일러스트레이션 시리즈 파리의 아티스트 톰 오고맛은 런던의 사우스 뱅크 타워를 위해 놀라운 일러스트레이션 시리즈를 제작했다. 일러스트 포스터를 제작함에 있어 사우스 뱅크 타워 아파트



Prints & things

Free and Modern
A6 card, 300grs paper w/envelope

London Family Portrait
8 digital A6 prints
Only 15£

Hi! This is a really new section. In September I spent nearly 500£ in printing stuff. Obviously I never sold all, neither covered costs –so this is like a little stock shop, where if you like something you just write an email (hellomerge@gmail.com) and we arrange the funds transfer and the shipping. The same procedure applies if you want to order a print-on-demand with any of the designs displayed in this blog. For every more-than-20£ order I’ll give you for free one funny postcard.



LONDON VS JEJU by 정한빛 on Grafolio

I was born on Jeju Island in Korea. Jeju Island is a beautiful island that was designated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Jeju Island is often known for the three things it has in abundance – rocks, wind and women. It is also an island formed by a volcano eruption. At present there is a population of 600,000 and is known to be the most populated island in Korea.
I was inspired by the project 'Paris vs New York' by Vahram Muratyan and started to compare London where I had lived with Jeju Island where I was born. Through this project I wanted to show the difference between Jeju and London. It was a fun project as I got to compare the two regions that are seemingly different yet similar. I tried hard to make sure that people would understand at first glance what I wanted to convey. Koreans are familiar with London but Londoners are not familiar with Jeju Island. I hope that this project can help promote my beautiful home town!

30 new PL friends

Hi chicos.  Maybe  u dont know . But i have a new line of my works. i call it poppunk art.
Main idea is to give second chance to garbage, & i can tell u is very awesome to not spend money on canvases :D...


Feline fun with LKP

“What greater gift than the love of a cat” 
Charles Dickens
Have some feline fun with LKP this summer, with our selection of beautiful books and gifts, perfect for cat lovers everywhere…
The Book of the Cat is a collection of stunning artworks from artists and illustrators around the world, hand-picked by Pentagram's Angus Hyland with accompanying text by Caroline Roberts. Following the same format as the hugely popular The Book of The Dog, it's an irresistible little book which you'll want to read and treasure.



Nowhere Cafe

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